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7 Best CRMs for Electrical Contractors: Benefits & Key Features

January 30th, 2024
16 Min Read

One of the main reasons electrical contractors consider customer relationship management software is to improve organization and customer relationships. 

But many office managers and business owners of electrical companies realize that cloud-based CRM software can enhance more than just customer communications. CRM software can save time and offer benefits to all employees, from field techs to dispatchers — leading to more jobs and increased revenue.

In this post, we’ll explain the specific benefits of CRM software for electrical contractors, including what problems it solves. We’ll outline what features to look for if you’re considering upgrading to CRM software for your electrical business. 

We’ll also review our shortlist of the best CRM software for electricians, starting with a deep dive into our own, ServiceTitan, which offers a comprehensive solution for virtually all electrical businesses — small and large — to enhance relationships with customers and help your business grow.

Table of Contents

If you’d like to learn more about how ServiceTitan can help organize your business operations and grow revenue through improved customer relationships, schedule a call today.

What Is CRM Software and Why Do Service Businesses Need It?

CRM software is a customer relationship management system that stores all customer information in one place so you can handle the entire lifecycle of the job for each customer (from taking the first call, to carrying out the work, to offering and following up on additional services, etc.). A CRM system helps automate tasks like invoicing and appointment reminders that save electrical companies time and improve the whole customer experience. 

The Role of a CSR

Office managers and CSRs are responsible for a lot when it comes to managing customers and making sure an electrical contractor business runs smoothly. Taking customer calls, writing down job info, dispatching field technicians, updating the customer on technician status, keeping track of follow-ups, and processing payments for jobs are just a few of their tasks.

The Pain of Not Having a CRM

Without a CRM system, the best way to do all of these tasks is with pen and paper, Excel spreadsheets, and filing cabinets, which can be time consuming and inefficient. Small things like sloppy notes, miswritten information, or lost paperwork can cause problems and inefficiencies, lead to unhappy customers, and ultimately hurt profitability.

Common problems include:

  • Disjointed call booking and scheduling processes that cause missed leads and forgotten jobs

  • Mishandling the backlog of weekend calls and not following up on leads

  • Poor management of keeping customers updated (e.g. appointment notifications, post-job follow-ups, and tech ETAs)

  • Inefficient procedures of raising invoices and processing payments

  • No system of monitoring CSR performance

  • Missed opportunities for upselling services (e.g. memberships)

Because a good CRM centralizes all of your customer and business operations in one place, it solves all of these problems (and more). 

7 Benefits for Electricians Who Use CRMs

Electrical contractors (and other service businesses such as HVAC and plumbing companies) find there are many benefits to using CRM software. 

Here are the top seven benefits:

Benefit #1: Closes More Deals

CRM software helps you close more deals and increase revenue for your business. 

As we discussed above, not having a CRM leads to disorganization and lost leads, so having a solution that organizes all of your customer interactions efficiently makes closing deals a lot easier (and faster). 

Benefit #2: Saves Time 

Using CRM software that keeps all of your customer information as well as your business processes (such as invoicing and dispatching) in one place saves a ton of time that would otherwise be spent on manual and tedious processes like handling paper files and Excel spreadsheets.

Benefit #3: Increases Efficiency

Because CRM software speeds up processes and completely eliminates some tasks (for example, manually sending out appointment reminders), it significantly increases the efficiency of your business and boosts profitability. 

Benefit #4: Improves Collaboration

Having a CRM system that updates in real-time and that all of your staff can access (either via desktop or mobile app) keeps business owners, office staff, and techs in the loop, and reduces miscommunications. 

Benefit #5: Boosts the Customer Experience 

A centralized CRM system helps you better organize your customer information, offers customers an enhanced service (e.g. GPS tracking so they can track a technician location for an ETA), and improves customer satisfaction. 

Benefit #6: Lets You Analyze Business Performance

A CRM that also offers reporting and analytics features helps you better monitor metrics and hold employees accountable so you can improve business performance. 

Benefit #7: Grows Your Electrical Business 

CRM software can help increase profitability by increasing efficiencies, speeding up payment processes, and highlighting unsold estimates and upselling opportunities (such as memberships) so you can close more deals.

There are many CRMs on the market suitable for electrical businesses — including our own, ServiceTitan. We’ll discuss these below. 

Moving from manual business processes (such as paper files and/or Excel spreadsheets, or even different types of software) to an all-in-one CRM solution is a significant upgrade. With the number of products now on the market, finding the right one that suits your electrical business is tricky. 

Here’s our run-down of the key features to consider when upgrading to a CRM.

Features to Look For in a Good Electrical CRM

  • User-friendly: There’s little point in buying a CRM that your staff find difficult to use. Find one that’s simple for all team members to use, has excellent customer support, and has an ongoing training program for feature updates.

  • Mobile accessibility: Make sure your CRM can be accessed in real-time by your electricians when they’re out in the field. Then, they can always be up-to-speed with customer information, update customer records directly, generate estimates and invoices, and keep office staff in the loop.

  • Full feature integrations: Check that the CRM has all the features you want (like dispatching, billing, and reporting) and, if it doesn’t, check if it integrates with the software you’re already using (e.g., QuickBooks). 

  • Automation: One of the best time-saving benefits of a CRM is its automation function. Ensure yours has automated features such as appointment reminders, text updates, invoice generation, and reports. 

  • Reporting features: Not all CRMs include reporting functions, so, if you want these to be included in the same solution, make sure your CRM also tracks important metrics. This could include CSR and tech performance, overall business KPIs,  recurring services, and open opportunities, so you can improve business performance and increase revenue.

  • Scalability: Most CRMs will speed up your workflow to some extent. But upgrading to a CRM that organizes everything from dispatching to invoicing to inventory — and has automated reports to manage sales opportunities — means you can scale your electrical business, maintain organization, and never miss out on business. 

Here’s an overview of the seven best CRMs for electrical contractors, starting with our own, ServiceTitan. 

ServiceTitan’s Electrical Contractor CRM Software

ServiceTitan’s CRM is a comprehensive solution for electrical business owners needing a field service management software to completely enhance their internal processes. It makes CSRs’ tasks simpler, gets technicians more involved with customer communications, and allows management to analyze day-to-day performance and find ways to improve business. 

Here’s how it works.

Call Booking Feature That Captures Customer Information Instantly

Your relationship with your customers starts as soon as the phone rings. With ServiceTitan’s call booking feature, you have the advantage of seeing who’s calling before you even pick up the phone. Our software solution automatically shows the CSR if the caller is a new or existing customer and uses templates to guide them through the booking process so that every CSR collects all of the important customer details in a consistent and reliable way, every time. 

If the caller is an existing customer, all of their information, job details, and notes about every communication, are stored all in one place so they can be quickly accessed by team members, without keeping the customer waiting. CSRs can call the customer by name and also pull up notes or type new ones to log specific details (such as a gate security code). 

For new customers, the CSR is guided through a series of drop-down menus and custom prompts to capture the correct information. ServiceTitan users can also follow their own triage process, such as prioritizing emergencies or particular electrical services.

Having all of this information centralized means anyone in the company can view the information when they need to, calls are prioritized appropriately, and there’s no need to pull the customer file from a filing cabinet, call the customer back, finish taking information, and finally schedule a technician and service date. 

Note: With ServiceTitan’s CRM, you can also add a Web Scheduler or Chat to Text widget to your website and give customers an easy way to schedule a job or start a text conversation. 

Learn more about how to run a successful call center and our telephone answering and script advice in the ServiceTitan Playbook. 

Dispatching Tool That Prioritizes Customer Satisfaction & Profit

ServiceTitan’s scheduling and dispatching features save time and are easy to use. While on the phone with the customer, the CSR can view the job history, customer location, tech availability, and even technician skill levels — all on the same screen. This makes it easier to book techs for jobs in similar service areas or with specific skills.

Color-coding helps the CSR identify different technicians when viewing the dispatch board where they can book work orders days, weeks, or even months in advance. Scheduling changes can be made with ease (for example, when a customer reschedules or a different technician needs to be assigned to a job). 

So, when an emergency call comes in, the job can be slotted in without manually moving multiple pieces of information, saving a lot of employee time and reducing the risk of errors that could hurt the customer experience (e.g. no tech showing up at a job because it wasn’t reassigned properly).

The software’s route optimization feature uses GPS tracking to track techs and job progress so that visits can be organized in the order that suits the technician’s location, taking into consideration any traffic delays and conditions. 

Being able to view the precise location of each truck in real-time means that dispatchers can group nearby jobs together and utilize the most efficient route. This allows techs to handle more jobs in a given day or do the same number of jobs in less time, increasing employee experience and satisfaction. 

ServiceTitan also offers an add-on product, Dispatch Pro, with more advanced dispatching features. Using machine learning, Dispatch Pro’s algorithm runs thousands of scenarios to find the best technician for every job. This, plus its intuitive dispatch board automations, saves your dispatchers time, improves customer satisfaction, and maximizes profit.

Learn about our dispatching tips in this post.  

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Customer Experience Features

Whether customers contact you via phone or online, ServiceTitan’s CRM offers the following customer experience tools:

Appointment Reminders & Tech ETAs

ServiceTitan’s GPS tracking tool can be used to facilitate updates to customers about their service appointments and keep them posted on the arrival time of their electrician.

Our CRM software sends customers automated text messages the day before and the day of their appointment, and customers are able to GPS track their technician and stay updated on their location. 

CSRs can send info on the technician, including their picture and profile, to the customer before they arrive; this offers customers some peace of mind knowing who will be knocking on their door.

Post-Job Follow-Ups: Reviews 

ServiceTitan also helps with customer follow-ups by sending automatic “satisfaction survey” texts to customers the day after their appointments. This makes it easier for customers to give feedback and saves CSRs time calling to check-in. 

Staying on top of customers’ needs keeps them happy, and happy customers lead to more positive reviews and a bigger book of work orders.

Read our tips on how to improve the customer experience here

Mobile App Keeps Techs in the Loop

Many of the features that make CSRs’ lives more convenient also help field techs. 

For starters, ServiceTitan’s CRM eliminates virtually all phone calls between techs and CSRs and puts all customer information right at the technician’s fingertips. 

With ServiceTitan Mobile (available on ioS and Android), techs are always in the loop and can access all customer information when they’re carrying out electrical work, including customer profiles, job histories, prior invoices, voice notes, and more. 

Technicians can store all of their job notes in ServiceTitan’s CRM, including notes from weekend service calls, so they don’t have to keep notepads in their truck or call the office staff from the job site to update them. 

Having a job management solution like ServiceTitan Mobile to manage these tasks helps reduce the Monday workload for CSRs who traditionally don’t work on Saturdays and Sundays. 

Another convenient feature is that service contractors can access all recorded phone calls between the CSRs and the customer. Even though notes are helpful, having this feature makes it easier for techs to get the full scope of what’s required to complete the job and guarantee they’re prepared for what the customer needs.

Your electricians can also generate estimates, create invoices, and take payments from their mobile device right at the job site. 

Integrate & Automate Invoicing and Payments

ServiceTitan’s CRM makes payment easier and more secure by allowing CSRs to send polished invoices via email where customers can make online payments.

As mentioned above, your technicians can produce invoices from their mobile devices right on the spot and they can take payments too, so revenue hits your bank account sooner. 

ServiceTitan’s CRM software solution integrates with multiple types of accounting software, including QuickBooks. So there’s no need to re-enter payment info from one app to the next; everything stays up-to-date and organized for you. 

It’s worth noting that ServiceTitan also streamlines your internal payroll processes. The time tracking feature automatically documents your technician’s drive time, vendor runs, and wrench time on their timesheets so you can be confident that it’s accurate. And, because the timesheets are synced with the rest of the electrical contractor software, you can view metrics in other features, too, such as reporting scorecards.

Monitor Business Performance with Reporting Features

CRM software not only keeps customer support teams more organized, but it also holds individual CSR reps more accountable. Saving recorded calls benefits technicians on job sites just as much as it helps electrical service businesses conduct quality control checks. 

Plus, ServiceTitan’s CRM takes CSR stats one step further by providing scorecards for every rep. 

Office Managers and business owners can review reports of overall team metrics, such as calls answered and unbooked calls, as well as a breakdown of the CSR team members. Scorecards show a breakdown of calls answered and an overall booking rate to easily monitor CSR performance. If calls are continuously going unbooked, it only takes a few clicks to listen back on calls to pinpoint training opportunities. 

Management can also check in on job history and review weekend service calls to double-check all emergency calls are being answered and technicians aren’t missing leads. 

Upsell Services and Grow Revenue

Two ways electrical contracting businesses can increase their bottom line is by offering electrical service agreements and following up on unbooked leads, but these can be hard to keep track of if you don’t have a project management solution. 

Because ServiceTitan’s CRM is a complete field service management software solution, it has automated reports to manage recurring services and open opportunities. 

You can use ServiceTitan’s dynamic dashboard to filter dozens of KPIs, such as: 

  • Opportunities

  • Sold Estimates

  • Surveys

  • Recurring Service Events

  • Expiring Memberships

  • Expiring Credit Cards

CSRs can easily find a list of unsold leads to call back and close. These leads can be generated from missed calls, unbooked online appointments, and more, so every avenue for potential business is covered. 

Additionally, your techs can see these details, so they can follow-up on an open estimate or offer the customer a service membership when they attend service calls.

As a result, you never miss out on business and maintain organization even if/when you decide to grow your customer base. 

ServiceTitan’s field service software solution provides a comprehensive CRM system for electrical contractors with features ranging from call booking and dispatching to invoicing and reporting. Our software solution improves efficiencies, simplifies tasks, and enhances customer satisfaction, which leads to increased revenue.

If you’d like to learn more about how ServiceTitan’s various tools and features can facilitate better customer relationships and grow your business, schedule a call today.

Here’s our lineup of six alternative CRMs.

6 Alternative CRMs for Electricians


Commusoft is an all-in-one work order management software designed for field service companies. Used by small businesses, the software helps with job management, quotes, scheduling, inventory management, invoicing, and customer communications. It also integrates with accounting and payment solutions.

Electricians can access customer information via their mobile device, and all data is synced in real-time, so staff are always up to speed on work orders. Techs can also create invoices on the go and email them to customers. Commusoft also provides users with performance reports and charts. 

Housecall Pro

Housecall Pro is an all-in-one service tool that helps electrical contractors run their entire business from their smartphone or from their web portal. This solution supports all aspects of the workflow, including job scheduling, dispatching, customer database, invoicing (including QuickBooks Online), and payment processing.

Housecall Pro is competitively priced and is best suited to businesses with up to 30 employees.


Jobber helps home service businesses (including electrical companies) provide a seamless customer experience and keeps jobs on track, from the customer’s request through to payment.

Jobber is customizable to fit your process, so you can schedule jobs, optimize routes, send quotes and invoices by text, and get paid on-site via the software’s mobile app. 

Jobber is popular with small businesses that want a simple, easy-to-use solution. 


MobiWork helps home service businesses with technicians in the field to do their jobs more efficiently. The software provides electricians with logistical coordination, GPS tracking, email/text alerts, dispatching, and invoicing functions. 

This solution is customizable and scalable for mobile workforces from small businesses with a few technicians right up to large enterprises with thousands of electricians out in the field. 


Procore software helps you manage entire projects from planning to closeout. The platform caters to specialist and general service industries, including electricians and construction. 

Suitable for large construction enterprises that need to actively manage drawings, documents, and schedules, Procore is easy to use and offers unlimited user access, simple pricing, and instant access to project data.


ZenTrades (formerly SmartServ) is a cloud-based field service management software that has specific products for electrical businesses as well as HVAC and plumbers. Its ZenElectrical product features real-time notifications, scheduling, dispatch, contact management, customizable reports, and analytics.

ZenTrades customers can choose modules to build the product that suits their business. The software lets users allocate jobs according to skills and availability as well as handle payments and generate estimates and invoices. ZenTrades also offers an inventory management module that helps with order fulfillment.

Ready to Try ServiceTitan’s CRM for Electrical Contractors?

There are countless conveniences of upgrading to a customer relationship management software. Not only are CRMs useful in improving customer relationships, they’re also just good for business management in general, and they offer benefits for employees, too. It’s just important to find the right one. 

ServiceTitan’s CRM is a full-featured solution for electrical-business owners needing a field service management software to completely enhance their internal processes — it makes CSRs’ tasks simpler, gets technicians more involved with customer communications, and allows management to analyze day-to-day performance and find ways to improve business. 

If you’d like to learn more about how ServiceTitan’s business software can facilitate better customer relationships and grow your business, schedule a call today.

ServiceTitan Electrical Software

ServiceTitan is a comprehensive electrical business software solution built specifically to help service companies streamline their operations, boost revenue, and achieve growth. Our award-winning, cloud-based platform is trusted by more than 100,000+ contractors across the country.

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