Driving a Company Culture

Finding quality employees, then keeping them for the long haul can increase the stability and productivity of any company. With the labor shortages in the trades, that’s even more important. To nurture your workforce, build a company culture that empowers and rewards everyone.


How to Keep Your Company Culture Strong

  1. Recruit people with aligning values. Once you have established the culture you want, take extra care not to hire unsuitable employees. 

  2. Incentivize desirable performance and desired behavior. This is not always about money or prizes. Sometimes it’s just public recognition. Find out what motivates your team so you can incentivize them accordingly. 

  3. Plan for employee engagement. This is the FUN part of coming to work. Some companies have a monthly breakfast, a weekly lunch and learn, fun contests and exciting events. Give your team something fun to look forward to. 

  4. Make your environment welcoming. Some companies show they care about their employees by providing a gym or fitness center in their company building. Some have game rooms, ping pong tables, pool tables, and a snack bar. You don’t need all the extras, but make sure you create an environment of safety and well-being for your employees. 

  5. Revisit your culture regularly. The best companies do this at their annual planning meeting, and often throughout the year. 

Having a healthy, effective culture unites a team behind a larger common goal, drawing them closer together as part of that larger purpose. 

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