Templates Guides

Free HVAC Work Order Template: Get Organized and Impress Customers


To help your staff collect the necessary information for performing HVAC jobs, we’ve designed an HVAC work order template that’s free for you to download. It’s been created by industry experts on our team to include the essential fields your techs and CSRs need.

Having a template allows you to be consistent in the information you collect about jobs. But although it’s a great starting point, it doesn’t solve the process-related issues involved with creating, tracking, and managing work orders.

For example, regardless of whether it’s in print or digital form (Excel, Microsoft Word, etc.), a template alone does not solve challenges with:

  • Miscommunication between office staff and techs in the field

  • Inefficiencies in call booking and dispatching

  • Loss of paperwork or work order files 

  • Turning work orders into invoices when it’s time to get paid

To solve these challenges, a growing number of business owners are using HVAC software like ServiceTitan to create accurate, complete, and easy-to understand HVAC service orders that automatically integrate with invoicing and the rest of your operation. 

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Below, we’ll walk you through how to download and use our free template. And then we’ll explain how ServiceTitan streamlines the entire work order creation process, and connects with other parts of your business.

Our HVAC software helps businesses like yours integrate their work order processes with dispatching, invoicing, and more. Want to see how ServiceTitan can increase efficiency and grow your profits? Schedule a call for a free product tour.

How to Download and Use Our HVAC Work Order Template

A complete and accurate work order sets the stage for a high quality customer experience. After all, the work order is the document that initiates every HVAC job, from repairing an air conditioning unit to installing a furnace or heat pump. 

Techs depend on work orders to decide what they’ll need to take along to the job site and even to find out where to go. And when the work is completed, information from the work order is used to create an HVAC invoice for the job. 

If you’d like to try out our work order template, click here to download it for free.

The template includes fields for all the information that your techs and office staff will need:

  • Customer and payment information (including credit card info)

  • Your company name and contact information

  • Job description 

  • Labor, hours, rate, materials, and other charges

  • Service contract / HVAC maintenance agreement opt-in

  • Warranty information

  • Terms and conditions

  • Recommendations / next steps

Note: If you like our work order template, you should also check out our free HVAC invoice template.

As we mentioned above, this PDF will help your staff collect pertinent information, but it won’t solve other issues they might be experiencing:

Miscommunication and Inefficiency in Booking and Dispatching

At HVAC shops that still use paper, miscommunication and inefficiencies are common. 

Information can be entered incorrectly into work order forms, which can then lead to errors on invoice forms and other paperwork. Paperwork can get lost or damaged, or customers might complain that it’s difficult to read their technician’s handwriting. Techs have to go out of their way to drop or pick up paperwork at the office before and after service calls.

These scenarios are common, and they all result in lost time. It’s particularly frustrating because every minute that your team spends chasing down paperwork is time that could be spent helping customers and generating revenue for your HVAC business

High Overhead for Data Entry and Filing

Paper-based HVAC companies need to employ staff to enter data and file paperwork. And businesses without an automated reminder system need to pay someone to call clients to remind them of appointments.

That’s money that could be spent on marketing, salary increases, or other efforts to actually grow the business, instead of just staying afloat.

Inconsistent Customer Experience

Presentation is important: Customers want to know they’re working with a modern company that’s organized and efficient. Handwritten business forms like work orders, estimates, and invoices don’t necessarily give that impression.

You want every communication with clients to be clear, consistent, and professional.

ServiceTitan fixes these problems by consolidating and sharing information across your business. Let’s dive in to see how it works.

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How ServiceTitan Streamlines the HVAC Work Order Process

The most important thing to understand about ServiceTitan software is that it accurately gathers, compiles, and saves customer information. 

No matter who enters the information about a job — CSRs, techs, or the customers themselves — that information is stored in a central online record that any authorized person in your company can access anytime, from anywhere with an internet connection. 

You’ll no longer need to worry about incomplete work orders because all the fields are clearly labeled, with certain fields being required in order to complete the form. 

Typos or other errors are highly unlikely, because customers are often entering information themselves via your website or email. And that information automatically carries over to dispatch, HVAC proposal forms, work authorization forms, invoices, and other essential records.

This approach also improves the customer experience. 

You can be assured that written or online communications are always professional and personalized, with a consistent look and feel — with no grammatical errors, misspellings, or illegible handwriting. 

In addition, you can choose to set up an automated system that will remind customers about upcoming visits 24 hours ahead of time. The system can notify customers when the tech is on the way and even provide customers with GPS tracking.

Lost HVAC forms will be a thing of the past because all data is saved electronically, and it’s always searchable and accessible. 

ServiceTitan also streamlines tech visits. 

Before techs even leave for a job, they can view a job summary to see what needs to be done and where equipment is located:

They can even view photos of the HVAC equipment needing repair:

They can also view each customer’s previous work orders and any prior communications with your company:

After they’ve made their visit to the job site, techs can use data contained in the work order to quickly generate invoices, estimates, or proposals.

If the techs were able to complete the job in one visit, ServiceTitan’s software automatically populates an invoice with data carried over from the work order. 

If more work needs to be done, techs can create estimates and proposals on the fly. 

ServiceTitan’s software automatically retrieves the latest pricing information from your pricebook and uses it, along with the information in the work order, to help your techs prepare an attractive and accurate document to share with the customer. 

And if a new job comes up while a tech is in the area, that new job immediately shows up in the system with all the relevant information that the tech needs to make a visit — without returning to the office to pick up paperwork first.

Finally, ServiceTitan frees up CSR staff for revenue-generating tasks. 

No more tedious data entry or spending hours making reminder calls every day. By consolidating and automating data entry, our software frees up your CSRs to spend more time prospecting and serving customers, and less time on repetitive, non-revenue-generating tasks. It’s more satisfying work for them and it results in more profits for your business.

Connecting Work Orders to the Rest of Your HVAC Business

Remember that a template is just a starting point, and it can only go so far. 

If your staff is struggling with lost paperwork, miscommunications, disorganization, or other issues, you need something more than a PDF: you need better processes throughout your business. 

ServiceTitan seamlessly integrates all your business functions, from an initial customer inquiry all the way through to the final invoice. It helps your staff work more efficiently and improves the customer experience — and ultimately it helps you earn more revenue and grow your business.

Want to see how these features look and feel in ServiceTitan? Schedule a call for a free product tour to see how we can transform your operations and grow your business.

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