Templates Guides

Free Electrical Proposal Template: Create Good Better Best Electrical Proposals That Increase Close Rates and Ticket Prices


For electrical contractors who want to grow their share of the market, a professional, modern presentation has become essential to success. We’ve created a free electrical proposal template (designed by industry pros) for you to use. Below, we’ll explain how to download and use it.

A project proposal that’s sleek, accurate, and transparent — easy for customers to understand — is a great first step in providing a top-notch customer experience. It helps to build the kind of trust that fosters repeat business and valuable referrals.  

But while a solid template is a step in the right direction for electricians looking to improve their proposals, it’s vital to point out that no template — no matter how well-designed — is going to address the many challenges inherent to the overall process of generating and processing electrical proposals. 

To name just a few, these challenges include things like:

  • Trouble tracking and organizing proposal records.

  • Inefficiencies arising from price lookups that slow workflow.

  • Lag time in proposal deliveries, potentially resulting in lost business.

  • Math errors resulting from manual calculations.

What these and other similar issues have in common — in addition to reducing the bottom line — is that they’re the same ones that contractors tend to face when they’re creating electrical estimates and proposals with pen and paper alone.

Increasingly, to solve these and other financial and organizational challenges, electrical contractors are turning to comprehensive electrician software like ServiceTitan that seamlessly incorporates proposal creation, presentation, and management into their overall business operations.  

» Want to grow your electrical business? Click here to get a demo.

In this post, we’ll explain how it works, covering:

  • How to download and use our≈

  • How Good Better Best proposals increase sales.

  • How ServiceTitan integrates proposals into overall business operations.

Our electrical software helps improve the proposal process to save time and drive sales. Want to see how ServiceTitan can help your business? Contact us to schedule a free product tour

How to Download and Use Our Free Electrical Proposal Template

Once you’ve downloaded and saved this PDF file to your computer, or tablet, customizing it for your business is easy. 

Simply open the file, add your logo and contact information, and save the document as your customized electrical bid proposal template.  

It contains the following 3 pages:

1. Contact Information & Electrical Installation Proposal

Page one includes fields to record the basic job name and contact information, as well as detail the scope of work.

2. Good Better Best Options

Page two allows you to present Good Better Best options that empower customers and help boost average ticket prices.

3. Billing and Payment Information

And page three contains fields for all necessary payment details including your customer’s business contact information, credit card information, and other payment-related terms. 

Whenever you need to create a new proposal, all you’ll need to do is open up the template, enter your potential client’s information into the relevant fields, and save the file as a new document. The newly created proposal can be attached to an email as a PDF, and/or printed for delivery by hand or mail.

The Good Better Best format incorporated into our template can improve the first impression you make on customers — plus massively boost sales. But a template alone (eg. working with Excel, Microsoft Word, or PDF documents)  isn’t going to be able to solve the process-related issues that tend to accompany presenting, managing, and executing on proposals.

In the next sections, we’ll explain how the Good Better Best approach drives revenue growth, and why many electrical contractors — and general contractors, too — find that they are able to get the absolute most out of their proposal process with the help of electrical software like ServiceTitan.  

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How ServiceTitan Can Help Electrical Contractors Streamline Proposals

To avoid the well-documented pitfalls of pen-and-paper proposals for electrical work — math mistakes, lost paperwork, overlooked costs — which can become more treacherous still with a multi-option proposal process, many electricians are turning to field service management software products.   

Below, we’ll offer an in-depth look at exactly how ServiceTitan’s proposal feature allows electrical contractors to skirt the issues associated with pen-and-paper proposals, while maximizing the returns with a Good Better Best proposal model. 

Note: Contractors sometimes treat “proposal” and “estimate” as synonyms. For purposes of discussing ServiceTitan’s software, though, we like to think of the proposal as a comprehensive menu of options that customers can choose from: diagnose electrical system issues, electrical installation, repair faulty wiring, replace light fixture, maintenance agreement, etc. Within this menu, we refer to each option, or menu item, as an estimate.  

For electrical contractors who’ve adopted a proposal model that gives customers choices, each estimate will correspond to some portion of the Good Better Best range. 

While many tasks and work packages are common among electrical businesses, contractors often have their own way of classifying and presenting job tasks. With ServiceTitan, estimate and contractor proposal templates are made to customize — easy to build in real time for any user, whether they’re out in the field or seated at a computer back at the office.  

The screenshot above shows the first step, which involves generating templates for the estimates that will appear in your proposals. 

You can create a summary of the task provided for by each estimate, selecting both internal and external template names for easy identification and presentation.  

Many users come to ServiceTitan in part because our software excels at integrating the essential operational features of large and small businesses alike, including the all-important pricebook

By navigating via the search bar, business owners and employees can near-instantly find pricebook items, adding them to their new templates as they go. This way, the math errors and forgotten items that can add up to serious expenses in pen-and-paper operations become things of the past.

ServiceTitan offers two basic template types — ‘Dynamic,’ as pictured above, and ‘Static.’ 

The latter is great for contractors who want to maintain the pricing of one or more templates as constant, irrespective of pricebook updates.

But most of our subscribers opt for Dynamic templates, guaranteeing that as changes are made to their pricebook, those updates are reflected automatically in their existing templates.  

With your customized estimate templates in place, you can begin creating the proposal templates, or “menus,” that you will use to give property owners their options. 

Whether you’re using a basic Good Better Best model, as shown above, or a more complex variation, populating your categories is a simple matter of dragging and dropping your estimate templates into the relevant fields.

Note: Our templates work for residential and commercial service businesses alike. Whether you’re responding to a request for proposal with a commercial customer, creating a construction proposal template, or a template for basic home service calls, it’s all possible within ServiceTitan.

Upon completion, each category will contain a reliably accurate, fully comprehensive estimate for a work package. An estimate might feature a single task, a few of them, or several.

Whatever the case, ServiceTitan will automatically factor overhead costs and all other relevant expenses into the total price. For example: 

  • Hourly rates and labor costs.

  • The price of replacement parts.

  • Install materials — like screws and wires.

  • Larger pieces of equipment, and more.

Contractors can choose to provide customers with a ‘progressive’ proposal, as in the example we discussed earlier, wherein the ‘Better’ choice includes and improves upon the specs of the ‘Good’ choice, and the ‘Best’ option builds on  the features of the ‘Better’ one. 

Many electricians favor this model, and it works well. But ServiceTitan also provides for ‘additive’ proposals, which allow customers to add and subtract tasks depending on their needs and wants.

Through our mobile app — accessible via iPad, iPhone, Android, or other iOS device — techs get access to each and every one of their employer’s proposal and estimate templates, allowing them to call upon whatever resources best suit the job at hand.  

So far in this section, we’ve talked mostly about the back end — the process of setting up the estimate and proposal templates. But once those are finished, it’s as easy as clicking a button for techs and business owners to switch into our software’s presentation mode. 

Using the proposal that the user has selected, ServiceTitan will automatically transition into a sleek interface that emphasizes customer ease of use while leaving out none of the vital particulars of the estimates that have been incorporated into the proposal.  

Of course, depending on the situation, a contractor might not want to reveal all of the details of a proposal to a customer. The screenshot below shows how business owners can choose a presentation interface that omits prices — or decide on one that provides dollar amounts up front.   

It’s not uncommon even in shops that officially take a Good Better Best approach to proposals for techs to choose the path of least resistance when it comes to making a sale, presenting property owners with just one choice — generally a cheap one.  

ServiceTitan can help business owners overcome this problem without adding to their techs’ workloads or increasing their stress level. While guaranteeing that their proposals are 100 percent accurate regardless of how many options they include, our software can ensure that techs actually present multiple options, furnishing gated, step-by-step guidance in a sales process that assists them in driving up average ticket price and increasing overall revenue.   

Electrical services can be pricey, so providing property and real estate owners with easy, painless financing choices is a must to maximize the potential of a Good Better Best proposal process. 

After making their selection in ServiceTitan’s presentation view, customers can navigate instantaneously to get their project(s) funded using the green ‘Apply For Financing’ button in the corner of their screen.

In as little as a few minutes, customers can fill out an application and get approval from our financing partners—a real-time process that makes closing a deal infinitely easier, and which guarantees prompt payment in full.   

To e-sign their proposal, customers can use their tech’s phone or tablet, or, alternatively, their own mobile device. 

Through ServiceTitan’s online customer portal, they can also access their records for electrical work any time they want. For customers and/or electricians who aren’t quite ready for a totally paperless experience, documents generated in ServiceTitan are printable.        


Where single-option proposal systems can sometimes put electrical contractors at odds with customers — potentially encouraging techs to engage in high-pressure sales tactics — a Good Better Best model neatly aligns the interests of business owners and consumers.   

By educating rather than prescribing, electrical proposals that offer a range of options at various price points return decision-making power to property owners, providing them with all of the information they need to make the choices that feel right. 

Of course, this isn’t purely a matter of good will: Electrical contractors often see higher close rates, higher ticket prices, and increased revenue as a result. 

And by adding a high-quality electrical software like ServiceTitan to their toolbelt, electrical contractors can sidestep the pitfalls that tend to trouble the proposal process at pen-and-paper shops, allowing business owners to enjoy the full benefits of the Good Better Best approach.   

Our electrical software helps businesses streamline and improve their proposal process for increased profits. Want to see ServiceTitan in action? Schedule a call for a free product tour.

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