HVAC, Plumbing, Management, Business Tips, Success Story

Lee’s Air, Plumbing & Heating guarantees customer satisfaction, and uses ServiceTitan to back it up

Brendan Meyer
May 11th, 2023
4 Min Read

There’s a company value at Lee’s Air, Plumbing & Heating that’s shared with customers and proudly posted on its website: “100% satisfaction guarantee.”

And it’s not just lip service.

“A lot of companies, they'll say the same thing,” said Josue Solis, operations manager at Lee’s Air. “But not a lot of them walk the talk. At Lee's we walk the talk. If you're not happy, we'll do what we can to make it right.”

How is the company confident enough to make such a hefty promise to its residential clientele? Well, having ServiceTitan helps.

The all-in-one software for the trades powers everything for Lee’s, from a dispatch board that optimizes technician tracking and efficiency, to customer communications that sends customers appointment reminders, technician bios and ETAs. With Marketing Pro, Lee’s can track its reputation among customers to assure more visibility and build trust.

The software allows Solis and everyone else at the Fresno, Calif., company to really understand their customers. 

“(We can see) what they purchased last, the person who sold them what they bought, all of their estimates, the call history, even notes about individuals,” Solis said. “In my role with marketing analytics, (I need to know) what's bringing people in, what they’re buying, and their habits. 

“ServiceTitan gives us that full scope.”

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Software that grows with your company

Solis joined the trades for a pretty simple reason: the commute.

“I was commuting back and forth to Porterville, which is an hour and 15 minutes one way from Fresno. (Finally), my wife was like, ‘I don't want you gone for so long,’” Solis said.

He started at Lee’s Air as an HR manager, then switched into an operations manager role. He’s seen a lot change in his four years at the residential company, mainly in terms of growth.

“When I started, we were at 50 employees. Yesterday I checked and we were at 130 employees (including 40-50 techs),” Solis said. “I think Lee's has doubled in revenue size these last four years.”

A lot of that growth can be attributed to ServiceTitan, a software that has evolved with Lee’s, Solis explained. For one, the software acts as if it works for the company itself, doing the job of “10 to 20 employees” Solis said.

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Communicating with customers

Solis estimated that he spends 90 percent of his day interacting with ServiceTitan. Here are some of his favorite features:

  • Call recording: With ServiceTitan call recording, you capture all incoming calls, giving you a complete record of when and how your company is booking jobs. For some campaigns, Solis likes to go through each individual call to hear what his CSRs are saying. “I want to make sure they're answering the phone correctly and make sure they're asking the right questions,” Solis said.

  • Customer communications: ServiceTitan is a customer experience software, and Solis knows Lee’s customers love that. How? They’re always boasting in reviews how appointment alerts, GPS notifications, and service and repair reminders make working with Lee’s communicative and easy.

  • Reputation: Speaking of reviews, Solis is a big fan of Marketing Pro’s reputation feature. He’s alerted every time Lee’s gets a review, whether it’s a five-star or one-star.  “Seeing all those five-star pings gets me excited,” Solis said.

As for the one-star reviews? They help Lee’s maintain its hefty promise.

“We have a 100% satisfaction guarantee. So as soon as an issue arises, we want to address it right away,” Solis said. “(For the occasional one-star review), my job is to reach out to that customer right away and say, ‘What can we do to make it better?’”

‘Elevating the trades’

Solis said it took time to learn how to use all of ServiceTitan’s functions. After all, it’s a robust software.

Now, he not only knows it well, but he can help teach others how to use it. Even people who don’t work at Lee’s.

“I actually went to an electrical shop two weeks ago and was trying to help them out,” Solis said. “(I told them,) ‘Hey, these things need to get done in order to properly utilize ServiceTitan, and these are the struggles we've had.’”

Solis has seen the value of ServiceTitan and how it has helped Lee’s. And for someone with no prior trade experience, he has a unique perspective of how a software like this affects the industry as a whole—today and in the future.

“I think what ServiceTitan is doing is elevating the trades out of the Stone Ages,” Solis said. “(Compared to other companies without software), we're in 2023 and you can't send me a simple text message alert to let me know you're on your way? I can order cookies and (the cookie shop) lets me know it's on my way. 

“Cookies can let me know, but not you?”

ServiceTitan Software

ServiceTitan is a comprehensive software solution built specifically to help service companies streamline their operations, boost revenue, and substantially elevate the trajectory of their business. Our comprehensive, cloud-based platform is used by thousands of electrical, HVAC, plumbing, garage door, and chimney sweep shops across the country—and has increased their revenue by an average of 25% in just their first year with us.

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