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Pro Products Spotlight 2023

October 16th, 2023
4 Min Read

Scheduling Pro

No job left behind.

A digital CSR who answers every call 24/7.

A revolutionary customer experience.

That, in a nutshell, is what contractors can achieve by deploying the powerful functionality of ServiceTitan field management software combined with Schedule Engine’s online scheduling software. No more missed calls during busy seasons, after hours, on weekends, or even during the holidays, and an unsurpassed level of true customer convenience.

“Most people, myself included, don't really think about their home to-dos until late in the evening,” says Michelle Micheletti, Marketing Director of Apex Midwest. 

That means after hours for most service businesses. 

The #1 newsletter for the trades.

“And although automation can be scary,” she says, “it's not really losing the personal touch because it's an extension of your business that allows homeowners to schedule based on what they need.”

“Customer experience is the core of our business,” says Micheletti, who creates marketing for 12 Apex brands. “Their experience is going to keep them coming back and create a loyal customer for us.”

That has led to some amazing results for brands under Apex, an HVAC, plumbing and electrical services group in Missouri that’s been using Schedule Engine + ServiceTitan for about three years. Among them:

  • Whipple Service Champions — Over 2,200 Schedule Engine bookings since August, averaging more than 750 per month 

  • J&A Service Experts — 71% of all Schedule Engine jobs booked in October came in after hours 

  • Integrity Home Solutions — 60% of all October bookings are net new customers through Schedule Engine 

  • Academy Air — Live Voice, 5,475 calls handled, with 1,090 booked appointments in the first two months

Utilizing Schedule Engine + ServiceTitan is about meeting customers where they are, when they need your home services, and with multiple options that best serve their needs.

“When they schedule and know it's taken care of, it provides instant gratification and an instant peace of mind,” she says. “It really adds to the customer experience, as opposed to them not feeling satisfied and continuing down the road to call someone else.”

Marketing Pro

Home service companies spend a significant portion of marketing dollars on Google Ads, but the actual revenue impact of those campaigns can be difficult to track. 

Wanting to connect the dots between spend and revenue, Johnny Wenzel, now Senior Manager of Marketing Operations for Marketing Pro - Ads, left his agency job to join ServiceTitan and develop a tool to unlock marketing ROI for the trades.

Wenzel explains that Google Ads tracks cost per lead, but doesn’t account for revenue per lead. 

He likens it to a century-old quote attributed to marketing pioneer John Wanamaker: Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.

“That was over 100 years ago, and the sad reality is a lot of you probably still relate to this quote, because you’re spending a lot of money on Google, and a lot of people are clicking on your ads, then leaving the website,” he says. “Or, people are calling, but not turning into customers.” 

Google tracks those website clicks or phone calls as conversions, whether they correlate to revenue or not.

“Google will see this as a winning campaign and reallocate more of its resources to that campaign, because it has a better cost per conversion,” Wenzel says. “The problem is, Google doesn't know your business.”

With ServiceTitan Marketing Pro - Ads, a new component of the Marketing Pro Full Suite, a  residential or commercial home service company owner can connect Google ads data and real revenue,” Wenzel says. 

The software tracks leads as ServiceTitan defines them. For phone calls, that means they must last a minute or longer, and not be excused or marked as “not a lead” by the CSR.

With this visibility, ads managers can pause campaigns or reallocate budgets in real time.

“It's these granular decisions we can make that uncover wasted spend and give you the tools you need to reduce that wasted spend,” Wenzel says.

But that’s not all. With a feature called Optimizer, Marketing Pro - Ads imports the revenue back to Google Ads, and allows Google to optimize off of those revenue signals.

“What we’ve seen with our beta users is they're able to turn wasted spend into very profitable spend, and generate a lot more leads and a lot more revenue from their marketing,” Wenzel says.

Jolly Plumbing, Drains, Heating & Air, located in Wilder, Kentucky, served as one of ServiceTitan’s beta testers. And Bryan Rambow, who manages Jolly’s PPC, SEO, and Google Ads, is sold. 

“You can see ROI quickly, and if a campaign isn't doing well, we can quickly adapt and turn it off, or change some element of it,” Rambow says. “I definitely wish I could use this for all the different clients that I have who are in other industries, because it's just so much easier to work with.”

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