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Why these 7 trade industry leaders love ServiceTitan

Mike Persinger
November 1st, 2022
11 Min Read

Many of the top companies in the home and commercial services industry—and the leaders of those companies—use ServiceTitan’s cloud-based software for the trades to run their businesses. 

Their favorite feature of the software? It varies, depending on the focus of their company and their chosen path to success. 

Here are the top reasons seven industry leaders love ServiceTitan:

F.H. Furr’s Darius Lyvers 

Loves ServiceTitan for the ability to seamlessly offer financing. 

The problems to be solved: 

  • Customers don’t think they can afford things they want. 

  • It wasn’t easy, or comfortable, for technicians to offer financing.

  • Sales weren’t what they could be because of affordability.

The background: F.H. Furr Chief Operating Officer Darius Lyvers was in frontline sales at the company for 10 years in the early 2000s, a comfort advisor selling HVAC systems. He says when he started he didn’t believe in pushing financing.

“At the time I had never financed anything of significance,” he says, “I was still driving a vehicle that was given to me by my parents, I was not in my own mind utilizing financing in any way other than credit card usage, and it took me a little while.”

At the time I had never financed anything of significance. I was still driving a vehicle that was given to me by my parents, I was not in my own mind utilizing financing in any way other than credit card usage, and it took me a little while.”

Darius Lyvers

Chief Operating Officer

How ServiceTitan helps: ServiceTitan integrates with financing partners to offer payment options within the cloud-based app. With minimal training and a setting change within the software for sales presentations to display financed prices, sales, average ticket and close rates all went up. Selling “payments as low as” instead of bottom-line price allowed customers to see possibilities for better solutions they might not have otherwise considered.

The bottom line:  “Especially going against other companies that were not offering those options, it was a slam dunk,” Lyvers says. “Still today, a lot of our competition doesn’t offer financing, and we continue to take business, day in and day out, with a 30 to 40% higher average ticket than they do, with the utilization of financing.”

Anderson Plumbing Heating and Air’s Mary Jean Anderson

Loves ServiceTitan for the branding and marketing capabilities.

The problems to be solved:  

  • Building a solid brand is hard work. Leveraging it can be hard, too.

  • Marketing is more than customer acquisition. It’s retention, too.

  • Extending success beyond company and employees to community is essential.

The background: Mary Jean Anderson is dedicated not only to every employee at Anderson, Plumbing, Heating & Air in San Diego, she extends that dedication to the community with her work for and with the Susan G. Komen Foundation, which helps those diagnosed with breast cancer. It all fits into Anderson’s philosophy of running a company.

“I have a saying,” she says. “It's not only on my wall, but it's on every email I send out. A Ralph Waldo Emerson quote: ‘The purpose of life is not just to be happy. It's to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.’”

How ServiceTitan helps: For Anderson, ServiceTitan’s help in marketing has been the biggest boon. 

“The No. 1 thing that you want is new customers,” she says. “So (knowing) precisely—which I'm all about, precisely—where (and) what the best revenue stream is, and it can be measured, and there are no mistakes because it ports automatically, is really, really big for me.”

The No. 1 thing that you want is new customers. So precisely—which I'm all about, precisely—where (and) what the best revenue stream is, and it can be measured, and there are no mistakes because it ports automatically, is really, really big for me.

Mary Jean Anderson

ServiceTitan allows targeting of small audiences that was not possible before, especially among existing customers. “Because it's absolutely proven that the existing customer spends so much more than the new customer,” she says.

The bottom line: Those marketing tools also allow Anderson to promote the Komen Foundation and other San Diego charities. 

“She’s been a phenomenal spokesperson and advocate, and she’s helped us raise significant dollars to do our mission work,” Komen San Diego executive director Meredith Hall-Chand said. “We’re so grateful for her.”

Her company has been successful, too. At the point she took over from her ex-husband in 2006, the company had $4.6 million in annual revenues, and they had a running disagreement about the company’s direction for the five years after they split. Fourteen years later, it had grown to $33 million.

“I think my way was right,” she says.

The #1 newsletter for the trades.

EcoPlumbers’ Aaron Gaynor

Loves ServiceTitan for the ability to measure KPIs and leverage data.

The problems to be solved:  

  • Accurate, dependable data can be difficult to obtain.

  • Even if data is available, manual analysis can be time-consuming.

  • Real-time data is necessary to make informed decisions.

The background: Focusing on KPIs and leveraging data is helping boost spectacular growth at Aaron Gaynor’s Columbus, Ohio-based plumbing company. 

How ServiceTitan helps:  Gaynor says the growth is continuing in 2021, with The Eco Plumbers maximizing the ServiceTitan platform by using data points to signal coaching opportunities, and leveraging data to inspire employees.

KPIs from ServiceTitan are set up to automatically update into a Google Sheet, Gaynor says. The information includes daily budgets and details on every employee’s output.

“People get to see their metrics and key indicators,” he says. “Obviously, we use a lot of ServiceTitan data. Even if ServiceTitan is not giving it to you in the everyday templates, you can find so much of it and use it in so many different ways, depending on how much you want to cut up the data.”

"Obviously, we use a lot of ServiceTitan data. Even if ServiceTitan is not giving it to you in the everyday templates, you can find so much of it and use it in so many different ways, depending on how much you want to cut up the data."

Aaron Gaynor


The bottom line: The Eco Plumbers recently saw annual sales jump from $12.5 million to $20.8 million. In 2020, the company opened new satellite locations and added 67 new employees to the team. 

When employees understand the measurables, it helps to self-inspire them, Gaynor says.

“People like to win,” he says. “So, we set targets every day. We have our benchmarks. Our managers huddle every day and set the targets for the day. They work with their team to achieve those.”

A1 Garage Door Service’s Tommy Mello 

Loves ServiceTitan for the ability to set and enforce procedures, and to automate.

The problems to be solved:  

  • Lack of manuals and standard procedures leads to uneven quality and unpredictability.

  • Procedures that aren’t automated take more man-hours to accomplish.

  • Without repeatable processes, controlled growth is impossible.

The background: Mello knew the basics of how to hire employees, but recruiting, training and retaining his employees required a different skill set.

“People talk about building culture, but when you’re a small business, you are the business,” Mello says. “We didn’t have manuals or standard operating procedures, so everything was chaos. I was the dispatcher, I’d pull over to answer the phone...there were no systems in place.”

"We didn’t have manuals or standard operating procedures, so everything was chaos. I was the dispatcher, I’d pull over to answer the phone...there were no systems in place.”

Tommy Mello

How ServiceTitan helps: With required forms and standard processes, A1 Garage Door Service can enforce data entry that informs decisions and ensures a high level of customer service that builds a great brand. 

And then there’s the automation that makes a large company possible, and extremely profitable. Take, for instance, payroll. Mello says he relies on ServiceTitan to run his payroll, dispatching, scheduling, reporting, and many other things that keep his business rolling.

tching, scheduling, reporting, and many other things that keep his business rolling.

“Now, payroll takes a half an hour every other week, and our payroll is half a million dollars,” Mello says. “That half hour is how long my COO just spends looking at it … but it used to take 20 hours a week.”

The bottom line: By setting up manuals and standard operating procedures at A1 Garage Door Service, with Al Levi’s help, proved invaluable in establishing a strong foundation to grow the company.

“You shouldn’t say, ‘Well, I think we’re doing good,’” he says. “You should say, ‘Based on the black-and-white key performance indicators we’ve set up for this department, we’re killing it!’”

And A1 Garage Door Service is killing it, with more than $30 million in annual revenue. 

NexGen’s Ismael Valdez

Loves ServiceTitan for the unlimited growth potential. 

The problems to be solved:  

  • Rapid growth without the system to support it is chaotic. 

  • The larger the company, the greater the need for real-time data.

  • Reviews drive growth, so contractors need to maximize customer experience.

The background: Ismael Valdez is a man on a mission. And he’s in a hurry. 

Valdez grew his company from zero to $24 million in three years, and moved up to $30 million in the fourth year. 

“I compressed time,” he says. “Normally, that takes a 20- to 30-year period. Realize that while you grow fast you also get all the headaches and the customer complaints from what would have been 20 or 30 years compressed into four years.”

"I compressed time. Normally, that takes a 20- to 30-year period. Realize that while you grow fast you also get all the headaches and the customer complaints from what would have been 20 or 30 years compressed into four years.”

Ismael Valdez


How ServiceTitan helps: Valdez says 2019 was a down year for his company because he was negligent with his data.

“I learned this is not a hustle anymore,” he says. “You need to make educated decisions about everything. That’s why we came up with Data Cube (a way to display company results in the office) to use with ServiceTitan data. 

“Whether you want to grow profit or revenue, you want to start making educated decisions based on the actual information that you’re getting from your company. 

For Valdez and his “badass management team,” ServiceTitan provides that data. 

The bottom line: The owner of Southern California-based Nexgen built his company into a $30 million empire in a short time—and he vows to keep hustling until he gets to the $100 million mark. 

And he’s doing it for his family. 

“I go to work and grind for 10, 12, 14 hours and then I go home and feed off their energy,” Valdez says. “They are why I want the $100 million process and am trying to innovate the industry.”

Edelman Inc.’s Tyler Edelman

Loves ServiceTitan for repeatability across multiple trades and locations.

The problems to be solved:  

  • Paper tickets and manual processes can take you only so far. 

  • Transitioning toward servicing existing homes requires sales tools for techs.

  • To have multi-location, multi-trade capability, a centralized CRM is essential.

The background: Edelman Inc., interested in rapid but controlled growth, switched to ServiceTitan four years ago, initially only in the service department, which employed three technicians and was using paper tickets. 

They chose ServiceTitan, Edelman says, because it was more comprehensive compared to other options.

“We liked what we saw,” Edelman says. “We liked all the features and options at that point. And even since then, it’s changed immensely. All of the different things that have been added into ServiceTitan and built out have changed a lot. It’s a completely different product, but for the better.”

How ServiceTitan helps: ServiceTitan, Edelman says, enables service techs to make more sales in the field, in a low-pressure way but with more confidence.

“ServiceTitan provides the tools to make those conversations smoother and gives the tech confidence to have the conversation, rather than just walk out the door without mentioning it,” Edelman says.

"We liked all the features and options at that point... All of the different things that have been added into ServiceTitan and built out have changed a lot. It’s a completely different product, but for the better.”

Tyler Edelman

The software also allows technicians to offer financing options to homeowners, streamlines Edelman’s payroll and powers the ability to incentivize employees with SPIFs and commissions, and allows for centralized operations for a company with big plans. 

The bottom line: Edelman Inc. now employs 110 people, and the entire company operates on ServiceTitan. The focus has gone from being 90 percent new construction to about 50-50. And new “service retro” locations are planned, eventually, to provide service for existing homes nationwide. 

“It’s definitely easier for us doing it the second, third, and fourth time,” Edelman says of the onboarding process. “We feel like we have a better understanding there, having experienced it. And with each one, that will definitely get easier.”

Service Emperor’s Tersh Blissett

Loves ServiceTitan for benefits that justify the cost—and more. 

The problems to be solved:  

  • CRM software can be costly; find one that brings value.

  • Operating a company mostly, or totally, remotely requires real-time data.

  • Without automation and all-in-one capabilities of software, the hidden cost is high.

The background: Business owner and podcaster Tersh Blissett knows service company management software solutions well. And he knows ServiceTitan, having been introduced at a conference in 2017 while working with a different company.

“It was a great product,” Tersh says. “We did not sign up for ServiceTitan then, (and) I regretted it every day.”

It was a great product. We did not sign up for ServiceTitan then, (and) I regretted it every day.”

Tersh Blissett

In 2018, when Tersh started his own HVAC company, Service Emperor, in nearby Pooler, Ga., he had to choose a software solution for his fledgling business. 

He chose ServiceTitan. 

“We started out fresh,” Tersh says. “I knew from Day 1 that I wanted to use ServiceTitan. That was something that I committed to, and I never turned back. I have had no reason to turn back.

“I love ServiceTitan.”

How ServiceTitan helps: With previous softwares, Tersh had data retrieval problems. 

“I had to do a lot of keeping spreadsheets on my own,” he says. “The daily tracking and stuff like that just wasn't there. The metrics that I wanted to know, I was having to do that manually.”

That pushed Tersh to ServiceTitan for his new company.

Now, instead of manual spreadsheets, ServiceTitan data is automated. 

“If there's a report that I'm looking for that’s not in ServiceTitan, it's so simple just to create one,: Tersh says. “I'd have to hire more office staff to do what is automatically done through ServiceTitan.”

The bottom line: ServiceTitan’s automation saves money, too, Tersh says. With Service Emperor designed as a 100% remote and 100% paperless company, the software means fewer full-time staff. 

“If I did not have ServiceTitan, I totally would have to have at least two more office staff doing what we're doing currently,” Tersh says. “I think that's kind of a game changer.”

ServiceTitan Software

ServiceTitan is a comprehensive software solution built specifically to help service companies streamline their operations, boost revenue, and substantially elevate the trajectory of their business. Our comprehensive, cloud-based platform is used by thousands of electrical, HVAC, plumbing, garage door, and chimney sweep shops across the country—and has increased their revenue by an average of 25% in just their first year with us.

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