Industry Trends, News, Covid19

ACCA Argues HVACR Contractors Should be Exempt from Shelter-in-Place Orders

March 19th, 2020
2 Min Read

The ACCA is fighting on behalf of HVAC contractors to make sure the industry is included among essential services in any shelter-in-place order. 

Tuesday, the ACCA argued in a letter to President Trump and Congress that HVAC contractors are essential to the health and well-being of the American people. From the ACCA statement:

“HVACR contractors should be considered emergency service providers because they perform necessary, life-saving services on several components of our nation’s most critical infrastructure. This includes, but is not limited to, the healthcare industry, the agri-food supply chain, and essential heating, cooling, and refrigeration needs for vulnerable populations.” 

ACCA President and CEO Barton James also pushed for legislation that would mandate paid leave for workers impacted by Coronavirus. The ACCA requested that the federal government ask states to loosen restrictions on unemployment benefits and help them cover any financial shortfall. 

Similarly, PHCC (Plumbing-Heating-Cooling Contractors Association) called on its members Wednesday via email to “reach out to your state and federal leaders and let them know that plumbing and mechanical contractors provide essential services — and employees should be exempt from any government mandates that would keep them away from their workplace.”

Related links

ACHR News: Q&A with AHSRAE Presidential member William Bahnfleth

Key takeaway: In the ASHRAE position document on airborne infectious diseases, three methods of controlling airborne infection are identified that actually have proof of efficacy. One is ventilation, and the other two are particle filtration and UV. Any air cleaner that removes particles has some potential to get rid of coronavirus. 

ACHR News: How contractors can cut down on airborne transmission of Coronavirus

Key takeaway: Contractors should be aware of what the available technologies are and represent them in an honest and transparent way while noting that disease prevention cannot be solved by HVAC alone.

» Latest updates and news information for the trades about the COVID-19 pandemic at

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