Electrical, Success Story

In 4 Years, Best Quality Electric Nearly Doubled Revenue by Using ServiceTitan

Adrienne Teeley
October 24th, 2023
3 Min Read

In 2018, Vicki Gibiault and Brian Quinn thought they had it made. 

For the first time, Quinn’s Long Island, New York, commercial and residential shop, Best Quality Electric, had hit $1.5 million in revenue. Quinn and Gibiault, the company’s self-proclaimed “second-in-command,” were ecstatic. 

But their processes were interesting to say the least. Take dispatching, for example.

When a technician would leave the shop, they would text the office the letter “D”—which stood for departing—and then the customer name. The office would then take that message and enter that onto a whiteboard.

“We were so high-tech,” Gibiault said with a laugh.

But by the end of 2018, Gibiault thought they could be, well, a little more high-tech. 

That’s when they joined ServiceTitan, the software built for the trades. Gibiault saw they could automate many of their manual processes—like dispatching—in seconds. But what she didn’t realize is how revolutionary the software could be for growing the business. 

After only one year of using ServiceTitan, Best Quality’s revenue nearly doubled from $1.5 million to $2.8 million.

“Until we started ServiceTitan, we didn't know that there was money on the table,” Gibiault said. 

A lot of money: This year, Best Quality is on track to hit $5 million. 

More than just software

Before ServiceTitan, Quinn and Gibiault weren’t dreaming about becoming a multimillion-dollar company. They were just trying to get another truck on the road.

Things changed when they started diving into ServiceTitan’s online communities and in-person conferences like Pantheon. Quinn and Gibiault were introduced to a vast network of professionals in the trades, all eager to share professional wins.

“That's when we started to really see that there were like-minded individuals, all focused on the goal of making their companies better and being successful,” Gibiault said. “We kind of owe our success to ServiceTitan and to the community that ServiceTitan built for us.”

It inspired Quinn and Gibiault to get curious about growing Best Quality. And after automating their most tedious tasks, they finally had time to make some big changes.

Like getting rid of that whiteboard. 

Now, every appointment is laid out on ServiceTitan’s virtual dispatch board. It’s easy to review bookings, learn more about a customer’s history and track materials used for every job. 

And techs no longer message the front office on their way to an appointment—they just click a button on their tablets. From there, ServiceTitan sends a text to customers with an updated arrival time. 

This sleek customer experience feature has differentiated their company among others in Long Island.

Software is a tool of the trades

Today, Best Quality is finding more success than ever. Get to know the features that made it possible:

  • Bill from the field: Settle bills faster with less hassle. Best Quality’s techs use ServiceTitan to securely collect payment in the field via their tablets.

  • Get the word out: Through ServiceTitan’s Marketing Pro, customers are automatically prompted to leave a review after service, which has quadrupled Best Quality’s amount of Google reviews. Best Quality also uses Marketing Pro to generate and track different phone numbers for each ad campaign. Now, the team can see which campaigns are bringing in the most revenue.

  • Data at your fingertips: When it came to reporting, Quinn and Gibiault used to rely on old tax returns to look up what they made in previous years. Today, they can generate detailed custom financial reports in moments.

  • Know where your team is: By using ServiceTitan’s Fleet Pro, Best Quality’s trucks are equipped with GPS tracking to monitor techs’ locations, as well as dashboard cameras to investigate fender benders.

Bigger goals are within reach

Nearly four years after joining ServiceTitan, Gibiault and Quinn have a lot to brag about: They’ve expanded their fleet from three trucks to nine, and just purchased a second commercial building to grow its operations.

With the extra space, Best Quality is building a new call center, and more offices and conference rooms. They’re even building a training center to recruit the next generation of electricians. 

They’ll need the talent for what they have planned: a goal of $10 million in the next three to four years.

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